Measuring and characterization of pedal electric bicycles (Pedelecs) on a full system test-bench with full range emulation of a cyclist

  • Autor:

    Michael Schmitt, Simon Decker, Martin Doppelbauer

  • Quelle:

    2019 21th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'19 ECCE Europe)

  • This paper describes the development of a pedelec test-bench and the measurement of a pedelec to
    characterize the propulsion system. The main idea of the test-bench is to emulate a real driver more
    precisely then other state of the art test-benches. This means precise, bilateral pedal torque inducement
    and direct emulation of the road by a roller. Precise measurement equipment and dynamic control
    enables versatile measurements with the proposed test-bench. Different measurements are introduced
    amongst others: assistance level, dynamic control behavior, distance and efficiency with full range
    emulation of a cyclist.