Quasi-Two-Level Flying-Capacitor-Converter for Medium Voltage Grid Applications
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2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)
- Datum: 29 Sept.-3 Oct. 2019
Medium voltage converters are becoming more relevant in future grid applications. Especially more wind and PV generation systems will be have to added and integrated into the grid in order to achieve the required reduction in CO2 emissions. High power generation units will be integrated into the grid at medium voltage level. Furthermore meshed MV grids will require interties based on MV converter technology. Today's standard medium voltage converters are either based on the MMC technology or us 3L/5L approaches operated at low switching frequencies and containing bulky filters. Both concepts still lead to relatively high costs and low efficiencies which are major reasons for the slow spread of power converters in medium voltage grid applications.. Future grid applications demand less distortion, higher reliability and lower costs for converter systems at each voltage level. The Quasi-Two-Level operation of the flying capacitor multilevel converter with silicone-carbide (SiC) based semiconductors is a method for achieving these requirements for medium voltage converters. This paper presents a new concept for minimizing capacitance and balancing the capacitors with fast switching semiconductors. Moreover, a novel approach for limiting the overvoltage stress caused by the Quasi-Two-Level modulation of a flying capacitor converter is presented.
Highly Dynamic AC Current Control for Modular Multilevel Converters
Braeckle, D.; Himmelmann, P.; Mersche, S.; Stefanski, L.; Hiller, M.
2021. 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’21 ECCE Europe), 06.09.2021 – 10.09.2021, Seite 1–10, IEEEXplore
- Datum: 6-10 Sept. 2021
A highly robust and dynamic control of the MMC grid currents is necessary to ensure grid stability. Based on a state space modelling of the MMC, a real time capable indirect modelbased control is presented. Measurements with a laboratory setup show the reliability even under disturbed grid conditions.
Medium Voltage Power Electronic Building Block for Quasi-two-level Operation of a Flying Capacitor Converter
Stefan Mersche; Robert Schreier; Patrick Himmelmann; Marc Hiller
2021 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'21 ECCE Europe)
- Datum: 6-10 Sept. 2021
Today’s standard medium voltage converters are operated at low switching frequencies and contain bulky line filters. One concept to change this is the Quasi-Two-Level operation of multilevel converters with fast switching semiconductors to minimize passive components. This paper presents the hardware of a full-scale medium voltage SiC-based flying capacitor converter for quasi-two-level operation with up to 10kV DC voltage and 150A line current. This hardware enables studies on the influence of components, modulation principles and control algorithms on the needed filters and the operation of the converter.