Dr.-Ing. Christian Axtmann
- Ehemaliger wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- Raum: 115
- Tel.: +49 721 608-41782
- Fax: +49 721 358854
- christian axtmann ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Titel | Ansprechperson |
Identifikation und Analyse von Schaltungstopologien für die Leistungselektronik in elektrischen Antriebssystemen |
Titel | Quelle | Autor |
Dimensioning and Comparison of a Novel Power Converter Topology by Empirical Semiconductor Models | 4th IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC 2018) |
Optimized Control of a Novel DC/3AC Converter Topology with Reduced Component Effort | EPE'18 ECCE Europe |
A Novel DC/3AC Converter Topology with reduced Component Effort | 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2017) |
Efficiency Map Computation of Arbitrary Converter Topologies in EV Powertrains | 2nd IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC 2016) |
Direct Flux Linkage Control Scheme for Highly Utilized DC/DC Converters with Simple Interleaving Method | 2nd IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC 2016) |
Bernd Bohnet, Christian Axtmann, Rüdiger Schwendemann, Michael Braun |
A Custom, High-Performance Real Time Measurement and Control System for Arbitrary Power Electronic Systems in Academic Research and Education | EPE'16 ECCE Europe |