Easy Current Slope Detection for Low Cost Implementation of the Direct Adaptive Current Control for DC-DC-Converters
- Autor:
Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2015 IEEE, Montréal QC, Canada
DOI: 10.1109/ECCE.2015.7309686
- Datum: 20-24 Sept. 2015
"Direct Adaptive Current Control" (DACC) is a completely
adaptive current control scheme with excellent control quality
and high dynamics. It is based on the detection of the current
slopes during each switching state of the utilized inverter
and identifies the system within one period. One method to
measure the current slopes is fast oversampling of the current
followed by a least squares estimator to filter the noise. This is
well-proven but is difficult at high switching frequencies and
implies the use of powerful hardware.
In this paper a new algorithm for the detection of the current
slopes in DC/DC-Converters is presented that does not need
oversampling or a complex filter. Its simplicity allows for easy
implementation in low-cost microcontrollers and operation at
high switching frequencies. The presented algorithm enables
the implementation of the DACC as a low-cost, high dynamic
and completely adaptive current control scheme for fastswitching